The 2018 Tax Wrap-Up
The tax reform passed at the end of 2017 runs to about 70,000…
Investigating the Advantages of Outsourcing Payroll
As fulfilled and engaged as your employees may be with their…
Time and Attendance Should be the First Step in Growing Your Business
Time and Attendance Should be the First Step in Growing Your…
IRS Issues New Guidance for Calculating Wage Levies
IRS wage levies are sent to the tax debtor's employer via Form…
The 2018 1040 Form Shortened
The 2018 draft version of IRS form 1040 (U.S. Individual Income…
4 Resume-Reviewing Mistakes You're Probably Making
A quick Google search for "resume mistakes" will land you in…
Best Practices: FMLA Call-In Procedures
Nowadays, it’s common for businesses to have an employee absence…
Making a Mid-year Payroll Switch Doesn’t Have to be Difficult
Traditionally, business owners switch payroll providers at the…
Employer Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, passed at the tail end of 2017, included…
Why You Really Want High Employee Engagement
The concept of employee engagement is complex because it manifests…