IRS Announces Retirement Plan Limitations for 2015
The Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration…
IRS Releases Notice 2014-55 Providing for Additional Election Changes
Provided by Larry Grudzien
On September 18, 2014, the…
Toeing the Fine Line Between Employees and Independent Contractors
Businesses often prefer to treat workers as independent contractors…
Supporting Your Employee HSAs Across Multiple Banks
With the growth of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) it is quite…
Court: Missing COBRA Notice Led to Hefty Legal Penalties
Just how important are COBRA notices when an employee leaves…
DOs and DON'Ts for Deducting Meals, Entertainment and Travel
If you're claiming a deduction for meals, entertainment,…
Another Employer Headache: The Complexity of ERISA Compliance
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) added to the already overwhelming…
Review of Reporting Requirements under Code Sections 6055 & 6056
In late August 2014, the IRS released instructions for completing…
Are employee assistance programs subject to COBRA?
Provided by Larry Grudzien
Are employee assistance programs…
Supreme Court Weighs in on ESOPs
Employee stock option plans (ESOPs) were conceived to be a "win-win"…