HR News
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HR News & Articles
Enhance Your Employee Benefits Package By Adding a Consumer Driven Account (CDA) by BASIC
DATE: Wed, Nov 02, 2022
TIME: 2:00pm EDT to 2:45 pm EDT
Proposed Federal Paid Leave – American Families Plan
President Biden's American Family Plan would offer 12 weeks of…
Maintain Compliance and Save Time with BASIC COBRA
Let our COBRA experts help you avoid costly compliance…
IRS Guidance on How Health FSA Carryover Affects Eligibility for HSA Contributions
The IRS released a memorandum on March 28, 2014 that confirms…
How are Seasonal Employees Defined?
Q. My client employs employees for eight to nine months each…
Unique Wellness Programs
Large companies have widely believed that technology is an important…
New Rules Ease Limits on Dental, Vision Plans
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) specifically sets aside certain…
Smart Hiring: Time for a Refresher Course?
Have you ever hired the wrong person? Maybe the bad decision…
Summary of the 90-day Waiting Period Limitation
On February 20, the Departments of Labor, Treasury, and Health…
COBRA for HRAs – A Plan for Determining COBRA Premiums
Under COBRA law, when a covered individual loses coverage…
Healthcare a Hotbed of Consumer Data Breaches
According to the Experian report, “2014 Data Breach Industry…
'Tis the time of year
As the snow starts to fly here in the Midwest, our four legged…
Americans with Disability Act As Amended
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is one of the most…
Ensuring your SPD's are ERISA Compliant
As one of the most important documents for participants' employees…
New Guidelines for Mental Health Benefits
Mental health benefits and medical health benefits need to be…
Supreme Court to Decide Contested Payroll Tax Issue
At long last, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to resolve a…
Are You a Strategic or Tactical Manager?
From the Desk of Dave Tomko, owner - The Growth Coach of West…
ACA Compliance Timeline
Courtesy of: The Healthcare Trends Institute
Roll over up to $500 of unused FSA funds
Earlier today, the Department of Treasury issued Notice 2013.71…
Federal Workers Must Repay Jobless Benefits from Shutdown
The U.S. Department of Labor says federal workers who collected…
Per-Employee Health Benefit Costs up Slightly in 2014
Employers expect health benefit costs per employee will rise…
How Healthcare Reform is Easing Cancer Patients' Minds
Every October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month – an annual…
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